Dear Mothers:
Today’s Mom-illionaire is Christine Meeks, of Hip T fame. She created her product to stave the complaints she was receiving from her teenaged daughter about the flesh exposed when Christine would wear low-rise jeans.
You can find more of her story here in an article by Millionaire Blueprints:

You see ladies, it’s not about being the best or the brightest.
It’s about seeing a need and filling a need. You can be a great mother and a ‘fabulous’ entrepreneur, also.
If you ask Christine’s daughter, this mom-illionaire is doing both by showing her how to be a successful businesswoman, a considerate mother, and not embarrassing her in the process when she wants to be ‘hip’ with the latest fashion.
(I’m sorry but the pun had to come out somewhere.)
If you like hearing stories like these then let me know by leaving your statement below. I want you to keep letting you know that you CAN be the best mother you can be and earn a living while you do it!
D Arlando Fortune
Keep it as simple as A, B, C’s; 1, 2, 3’s; and, do, re, mi’s
PS. Your future is waiting on you. Isn’t it about time that you said hello to it.
PSS. What have you heard your children say lately that you could turn into a nice product? It doesn’t matter how silly it sounds. Let’s test it out!