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How to Be Influential in Your Writing

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Session 6: You’re Not Using Persuasive Writing

A major mistake first-time authors make is to just start writing the stories they want to write. While there’s nothing wrong with storytelling, it’s a waste of your time if you’re writing the wrong story in the wrong way.

Do you really want to rewrite your book? Save yourself some time energy & money with the SYSTEM below (see what I did there?)…

Show notes:
The goal of your book is to affect change in mindset with your ideas. the goal of each chapter is the same.
The mindset is made up of attitudes, beliefs, and commitments…

The goal of your book is to affect change in mindset with your ideas. the goal of each chapter is the same.
The mindset is made up of attitudes, beliefs, and commitments…

Robert Cialdini’s book, Influence, offers 6 principles:

  1. Reciprocity: give something away
  2. Scarcity – consequences of inaction & your unique process
  3. Authority – the book itself & your achievements
  4. Consistency – ask for small commitments (eg. downloads) & upsell
  5. Liking – be transparent with your story to build rapport & be complimentary
  6. Consensus – use case studies from your business & “most people”

How do I do all six in a chapter?
Use the STORY framework…

But, I am not a copywriter.
You set everything up in the first two phases of Preparation and Planning (particularly the 6WH questions)…

It won’t be fluid on paper because I sell better in person – use your editors and proofreaders for feedback

The STORY framework is Statement; Tell a story; Overcome object, objections, and obstacles; Review (with optional references); and YES. Use this persuasive writing technique to design the entire book and to create each chapter. Don’t complicate the process. Fill-in-the-blank and get feedback. You’re not confined to my framework. Use the one that works best and keep using it.

Links mentioned:
Get a better idea of the STORY framework and how to compose your chapters using persuasive writing by downloading the SIGNATURE Book writing guide at darlandofortune.com/mysignaturebook
Or, if you’re ready to talk to me about getting your book written and published, jump on a call with me here darlandofortune.com/discoverycall

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How to Be Influential in Your Writing

Session 6: You’re Not Using Persuasive Writing A major mistake first-time authors make is to just start writing the stories they want to write. While

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