How to Grow Your Wings Even if You Are Satisfied with Your Life
“Leap and grow your wings on the way down. Put all your bets on you and on your ability to achieve your goals. Throw caution to the wind!” – Les Brown
What’s stopping you from becoming the person that you are meant to become? I can imagine that you can come up with a list of reasons and excuses. You can keep those if you want to…
…but you don’t have to keep them. You can change in a split second.
When you decide to take a chance on you, a whole new world of possibilities opens up to you. Napoleon Hill taught that you don’t have to know everything now. You do have to start now. And, along the way you will pick up the necessary skills and associations that you need to continue on your journey to success.
You don’t have to believe me. You have to believe the masters. You have to believe in yourself.
Your question: “How do I do that?”
My answer: “Take a leap.”
If where you are is not working then who is to say that continuing in the direction that you are going is going to get you where you want to go?
Sounds silly after reading it, right? But, that’s what most people think. They figure I’m just going to work harder and things will work out.
The thing is most people are still working for someone else’s dreams and desires. If you are doing that then congratulations. You are a loyal employee. How long do you want to be a loyal employee but disloyal to your dreams and desires?
You were given a unique set of skills and experiences. What you do with them is up to you; however, what you do with them doesn’t only affect your life. You are uniquely tethered to the lives of your family and the next generations. You are uniquely tethered to your community. You are uniquely tethered to the spirit that lives in you that wants more for you than you could imagine.
Are you going to continue letting them all down because you haven’t stepped up to the edge and taken that jump…
“I have to embrace my destiny.”
– What is your destiny? What are you desires?
“I have to believe.”
– What do you believe in that is holding your back? What beliefs will propel you forward?
“I’m never going to become who I really am unless I let go.”
– What are you holding onto that is stopping you from achieving? Let it go.
“I have to do this.”
– What is your plan? Start on it today!
4. DO IT
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If this is your first time here, welcome to the good life. And, if you haven’t already done so, go to the top of this page and make yourself at home with us by joining the community. That will get you first access to my new products and services and training. Remember: “You can have all that you want in this life because God wants you to have them. All you’ve got to do is believe and you can live a life of No Doubt, Just Blessings. You can get that right here.”
Dwight Fortune
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