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Closed Mouths Don’t Get Fed

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Yes, it’s an old saying. But, have you looked at it from the entrepreneur’s perspective? More to the point, have you looked at it from the Network Marketing perspective?

Our specific line of business requires us to speak to people. We speak to a lot of people or we speak to a small amount of people but either way we speak to people.

If you are not talking to someone then you are probably not building your business.

That’s the nature of our business. Well, most businesses are predicated on this profound concept. If you don’t have customers then you don’t have profits.

I remember reading that every dollar that we will ever earn is in someone else’s hand right now. Interesting thought, right?

With that holding true then I, as an entrepreneur, must find a way for them to handle over their hard-earned money ( as long as I do so morally, ethically, and legally ). This is the reason for advertising, for sales, and for marketing.

We present enticing pitches, irresistible deals, and ‘offers you cannot refuse’ all in the hopes that you will find value in what we are proposing. But, if we don’t speak to someone about these pitches, deals and offers then what have we really done but spin our wheels?

Let’s think about it for a moment…



You believe in your product/service, right?

You believe in the opportunities created in this industry, right?

You want more for you, your family, or your community, right?

You have a big WHY, don’t you?

You got into this thing to make money, didn’t you?

Then, how do you plan on making that happen if you don’t talk to people? I’m pretty sure that customers and new members to your team are not going to fall into your lap. ( Frankly, if they did I would be pissed. So, don’t tell me that story. )

Keeping your mouth closed will keep your bank account empty. Believe that, jack.

On average, how many new people do you speak with every week to build your business? Put your answer in the comments. And, remember to share this blog with your team. I promise to do more good than bad. I promise.

Are you a part of No Doubt Nation?

If this is your first time here, welcome to the good life. And, if you haven’t already done so, go to the top of this page and make yourself at home with us by joining the community. That will get you first access to my new products and services and training. Remember: “You can have all that you want in this life because God wants you to have them. All you’ve got to do is believe and you can live a life of No Doubt, Just Blessings. You can get that right here.”


Dwight Fortune

email – dwight@darlandofortune.com
phone – 317.214.0864
facebook – stay in touch here

P.S. – If You’re Looking for A Way to Bypass All the Cold Contacting Face-to-Face, Click on the Ad Below and Claim Your 10 Day Training on Marketing Online to Build Your Network Marketing Business.

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