How to change your past into a positive

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As long as I look at my mess


“The unexamined life is not worth living”  – Socrates

Some of you feel like you are in a mess that no amount of toilet paper could clean up. But, I don’t believe that’s true at all. You CAN pull out victorious in the end. Let me prove it to you.

Have you overcome some hurdle in your life that at first looked like a mountain you were not going to be able to climb only to find out later that you already had all you needed to overcome the mountain? That story is proof that you can overcome the current struggle in your life.

In that story is a message. Your message. It may have taken a little time for you to notice it but it’s there. What I want you to get out of today’s inspirational talk is that: when you look at your mess you will see a message.



I don’t want to get too cute here but here’s a formula:

your mess + time = mess-age

In the near future, when you look back on what you’re going through today you will see that you had to go through what you’re going through to get to where you want to go. Sometimes our blessings come in the mistakes, the setbacks, the hardships.

The thing is you cannot sit in the mess. Work through it because “when walking through hell, keep moving.”

This is what great leaders do. They look back over history and pull out the stories of victory. They look into their own lives and draw out the strength to win from past successes. They look through the drama into the vision and goals of their team.

And, they remember what they did so they can help the team get through also.

It’s your turn

What we are going to do here is to create a small savings of inspiration that you can withdraw from when you get the urge to look down on yourself or believe that you cannot do something. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Think about a time when you had an obstacle that you thought you couldn’t handle but you decided to do it anyway. Write it down IN DETAIL.
  2. When you handled that obstacle how did it feel? Write that feeling down and describe it.
  3. Imagine yourself in that moment after you have completed your task. In your mind, put yourself in that moment and let those feelings wash all over you.
  4. Do step 1 thru 3 again for another moment in your life

If you can only come up with one moment right now then you are doing great. If you have three then you have taken some risks in your life and now know that you can step out and be successful. If you can come up with about five of these moments that is awesome and you’re well on your way to accomplishing whatever you set your mind to doing.

Whether you have 1, 3, or 5 you now know how to turn those moments into fuel. For those of you with several moments to draw upon, what you will find is that one of those moments puts you into a more energized state than the rest.

After mentally stepping back into that moment of success, you will feel more pumped up to go tackle the world than the other moments. That is what you want. You want to be able to tap into that source of internal energy and power. Use that particular moment most often.

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]when you look at your mess you will see a message.[/tweetthis]


If you can anchor that feeling to some action then getting into that state will be that much stronger and quicker. Tony Robbins would have you do some power move while saying “YES! YES! YES!”

I do this myself before I create my videos or speak in front of a crowd.

So, try that for yourself. Put yourself into that powerful state again.

Then, while in that state, make a big gesture that feels powerful to you. Punch your fist in the air, slap yourself in the chest or on the thigh, swing your arms in big circles, spin around while stomping your feet. ( If you have watched any wrestling show like WWE then you have seen plenty of these gestures being done. Just don’t make it vulgar. )

Bring it from the bottom of your chest and say “YES! YES!YES!” while doing the motion we just created. Repeat this process 2 to 5 times.

You will know that you are in a prime state when you get there. Trust me on this. While in this state…

Get busy tackling your task.

Are you a part of No Doubt Nation?

If this is your first time here, welcome to the good life. And, if you haven’t already done so, go to the top of this page and make yourself at home with us by joining the community. That will get you first access to my new products and services and training. Remember: “You can have all that you want in this life because God wants you to have them. All you’ve got to do is believe and you can live a life of No Doubt, Just Blessings. You can get that right here.”


Dwight Fortune

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