Cold Contacting Tip – Complimenting
I’m sure you have been in this position before. If you’re like me when I first began cold contacting I just smiled sheepishly, nodded my head, and said… nothing.
Yep. I said nothing. At least, I didn’t say anything aloud. I definitely said something but it was not audible.
I said ( to myself ), “I should have contacted him. He looks like he understands business.”
Or, “Man, she looks like she runs the boys club!”
I followed these proclamations with something like the following ( still to myself, mind you ), “‘Hi. How are you? My name’s Fortune.’
No, you can’t say that. Just be natural. Okay. Natural. ‘What’s up, brotha? How are you?’
No, that can’t be right, either. I don’t even know him. Be more natural! Uuumm. How about ‘Hey, How are you?’
That’s it!” Then, I’d take a deep breath and prepare to go in for the kill.
I’d look up ( because you know you look down at the ground when you’re giving yourself a pep talk ). And, the person would be too far away to say anything. Darn it!
I know I’m not the only one who has gone through this. But, there is a simple answer. I will give it you in this article…
What do you say when you run across someone that looks sharp? You compliment him or her.
Dating skills aside these techniques work! Just use them for good and not for picking up women or for hitting on men. That’s a completely different discussion.
So, the simple tip is this:
Find something to compliment the person about.
Here are a few areas that you can use:
- Shoes, ties, scarves, shirts, accessories
- Well behaved children or pets or pets that are children (you know what I’m talking about)
- Singing, dancing, athletic skill
- Vehicle (especially with men)
The next step is to move into F.O.R.M. after complimenting someone sincerely.
Get this book if you don’t have it already. If you do have it and you haven’t read it, then read it. And, if you have read the book already, then read it again!
Dale Carnegie “How to Win Friends & Influence People”
But I’m Still Not Sure How to Compliment Someone
Alright, here’s how you get good at complimenting someone:
1. Start practicing your complimenting – as you walk around be aware of what people are doing and saying and wearing
2. Be genuine – don’t make outrageous claims ( honesty is the best policy )
[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]Dating skills aside these techniques work![/tweetthis]
I suggest you get good at doing this. This one technique opens the door for cold contacting anywhere, anytime.
How have you used complimenting someone to open the door for a cold contact? Let me know in the comments. And, share this post if it helped you. I wouldn’t mind if you did.
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Dwight Fortune
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