How to Use Text Messages to Contact

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Technology has made this business a little easier than it used to be. When I was first formally introduced to network marketing as a Junior in college, I had no clue about the importance of ‘the list’. I was simply told to create one.

What I now know is that ‘the list’ is my business. It is my inventory. Yes, people we are in a people business. That means we need people who know people to bring in people to business with our people so we all know and partner with more people.

Get used to it.

At first blush it might seem kinda weird to say that a list of contacts is my inventory. I mean we sell juices, potions, lotions, and services, right?


We sell those items but the essence of what we are truly doing is selling a lifestyle. We sell people the opportunity to live a different/better lifestyle than they’ve already been sold on. The products and services that we market are part of the system that we use to get the lifestyle that we want.

So how do we introduce this idea of a living a new lifestyle to our friends, family, and acquaintances?

Back to the topic of technology…

I have found it increasingly more effective to start using a simple feature on my phone to contact and share my plan with prospects. That simple feature is text messaging.

Go figure that a mentor in my last company used this strategy to grow his business significantly but it didn’t flow with the company teachings so it was dismissed. However, what he realized, and what he told me, was that most people don’t answer numbers that they don’t recognize. Plus, they may not answer because of whatever they were doing at the time of your call.

Most people will follow up either of those situations with a text message. “Hey, what’s up?” or “Who is this?” are the two typical texts.

Another fact is that the text message is less obtrusive. I can send a text message to an individual and they can respond to it when they are able to do so. Honestly, if a person is not going to respond to a text message they probably were not going to answer my call either.

Lastly, I can compress my time also. In the time it took me to make my first call of ten for the evening. I can send out ten personalized text messages. Then, I can follow up with each as I see fit: phone call; link to a video online; number to a conference call.

Allow me to point out that text messaging does not replace face-to-face meetings and presentations. By far, face-to-face interactions are more effective than any other path. What we do after this initial introduction to our idea is move into more 3rd party authorizations such as:

1. Home meeting
2. Weekly Open meeting
3. 3-way call
4. Monthly seminar
5. Major Company Convention
The goal is to introduce the prospect to another piece of the recruiting funnel.

Using text messaging as the initial introduction to your idea should take some of the fear away of placing someone into the recruiting funnel by picking up the phone.

I’m not promising miracles with this technique but I am promising results if you are using a short, direct text that directs the prospect to a third party tool or invitation. *NOTE: You are not selling anything in the text!

Listen in for a few examples of what to put in your text message…



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Dwight Fortune

email –
phone – 317.214.0864
facebook – stay in touch here

P.S. – If You’re Looking for A Way to Bypass All the Cold Contacting Face-to-Face, Click on the Ad Below and Claim Your 10 Day Training on Marketing Online to Build Your Network Marketing Business.

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