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genevieve bosGenevieve Bos. Secrets to Success:

1. Be passionate about whatever it is you’re doing, because that gives you the extra energy and the drive.

2. Surround yourself with the best possible talent. That’s pretty self-evident.

3. Be a lifelong learner.  Never stand still. Stay curious

4. Stay healthy. I think physical stamina affects your ability to reason and to make good decisions.

I wanted to start with this short list from a successful entrepreneur. Her name is Genevieve Bos. Genevieve has a particular fondness for women in businsess as you will soon find out.

She has long list of successful business ventures nationwide as a serial entrepreneur. More recently, she began and ran a magazine, PINK, that was designed to empower men and women in business — with a particular slant toward women. It was dubbed “Fortune meets Oprah”. Had a positive effect on over 10 million women over the five year life of the magazine.

PINK magazine

Currently, Genevieve works with IdeaString. The software company seeks to forge a union between the ideas, creativity and thoughts of an organization and a software platform that is able to intelligent organize the information. In a small sense, my understanding of the project is that it will take the mastermind principles inherent in every successful business and expand it to include more than just the board members.

It endeavors to give a voice to the entire organization without having ideas shot down by management. I cannot speak on why this project will impact the global economy but, in  my opinion, it is a novel idea.

Genevieve grew up in a single family household and from an early age developed a passion for making money. This passion carried her through college and into her business career in technology.

She admits that she is not the most knowledgeable person in her company in the field of technology but that it doesn’t matter as much,  “I’m certainly not a math whiz. You have to understand conceptually what you’re doing, and have to be very interested in what technology can do for you.” (“Transforming Ideas into Innovation” by Karen Rosen) That’s a great approach for any business venture as well as being able to put the right people in the right place with the right vision and motivation to go after the company’s mission.


“...smart girls do use curiosity and passion. At least from an entrepreneurial perspective, you need a lot of curiosity because you’re constantly discovering new things and it forces you to have this passion for learning. You’re constantly redesigning how you see the world and how you see yourself. It really drives you. I believe passion is a way to more fully express myself and lead this life that I consider to be extremely adventurous and very challenging. It gives meaning to me.” –excerpt from interview with Smart Girls Way

There you have it folks. Inspired by watching her mother’s work ethic, Genevieve Bos continues to carve out a piece of the corporate pie despite what people may say about women having careers. Come get yourself a piece of he pie and forget about the rest of the bad pub that may be flung your way.

I will continue trying to find women to inspire you if you continue to read and learn.

D Arland Fortune
Keep it as simple as A, B, C’s; 1, 2, 3’s; and, do, re, mi’s

PS. Leave a message about the story if you have more insight. Keep it positive family.

PSS. If you have a particular person that you would like to hear more about send it to info@storytellingoverselling.com

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