Persistence: 4 steps to stay motivated

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How to Move from Unmotivated to Motivated… and Stay Motivated

From data collected from a Gallup pole over 2011 and 2012, we learn the following:

13% engaged – emotionally invested in their work
24% actively disengaged – unhappy and unproductive at work
63% not engaged – unmotivated and unlikely to exert extra effort

So, when you go to prospect an individual it’s a good likelihood that he or she is unmotivated. That’s a whopping 3 out of 5 people! Which also means, depending on how long the prospect has been employed, you may have a big hurdle to overcome in order to see some true motivation from them when she joins your organization.

The question is why do you feel like you must drag the new person along with you if she doesn’t seem motivated especially when it’s hard enough to stay motivated yourself?

I know you care about her but what about you?

I know you want everyone to succeed but at what cost to your success?

I know she’s just going through some things right now but you are too, right?

Noted leadership expert Orrin Woodward said, “It’s my responsibility to show them and go the way. I’m not responsible for their success.” That goes for you and me also.

We cannot hold ourselves responsible for the ineptitude of the masses. Yes, we have a better way of living. Yes, we can teach them to be successful in business and in life. Yes, we know that there is light at the end of the tunnel because God sits at the end. We must stay motivated.


…we have to run our race.

I’m saying we in this post because I have to remind myself of this point also. It’s difficult for us to keep moving forward and stay motivated when we are trying to carry people with us. Les Brown once said, “I can go further with ten people beside me then I can with one person on my back.”

Most of us in this business of Network Marketing have a heart for our communities and families and friends. We want to give and to help.

So, here are 4 tips to motivate yourself from the chapter on Persistence in that classic work, “Think and Grow Rich“…


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“How to Develop Persistence” ( from Chapter 9 of Think and Grow Rich )

“They call for no great amount of intelligence, no particular amount of education, and but little time or effort. The necessary steps are:

1. A definite purpose backed by burning desire for it’s fulfillment.

2. A definite plan, expressed in continuous action.

3. A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences, including negative suggestions of relatives, friends and acquaintances.

4. A friendly alliance with one or more persons who will encourage one to follow through with both plan and purpose.
These four steps are essential for success in all walks of life.”

Read. Re-read. And, re-read that excerpt. If you’re able to follow those suggestions, the possibilities are endless for your success in whatever area that you choose to apply them.

I hope you put them to work in your Network Marketing business and stay motivated. I hope you send your team to this post to get this crucial understanding of the work force. They know which category they fit into. They also know that they want out.

If you don’t have an opportunity and you’re interested then be sure to get into the training below. And, drop me a line on Facebook that says, “I want in. Let’s help them break free!”

Do you believe a person can move from unmotivated to motivated?

That’s the question that I asked in the video and that I would like for you to answer in the comments below. The thing here is that an unmotivated person may do some work but for how long? While the motivated person simply needs some direction.

You want to recruit and prospect for the motivated people.


For another look at this concept check out this post:


Are you a part of No Doubt Nation?

If this is your first time here, welcome to the good life. And, if you haven’t already done so, go to the top of this page and make yourself at home with us by joining the list. That will get you first access to my new products and services and training. Remember: “You can have all that you want in this life because God wants you to have them. All you’ve got to do is believe and you can live a life of No Doubt, Just Blessings. You can get that right here.”


Dwight Fortune

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phone – 317.214.0864
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P.S. – If You Found Value In This Post, Feel Free To Share It With Your Family & Team. And, If You Are Looking For Ways To Use The Internet To Find And Recruit More People To Your Business Check Out This 10 Day Bootcamp Here.”

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