Dr Robert Schuller. “What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?”
Wow… Just thinking about the power of that simple question gives me goosebumps! What could you do? What is your true potential? A lot of us have gone through things that we definitely do not care to remember. A lot of us have done things that we will not repeat to others. A lot of us want to know that others have gone through similar things and have come out much better having gone through them. It is my hope that the 12 steps presented here along with some of my musings on some pretty important people in my life will help you along your path to having more spirituality. First, I would like for you to think about this quote from the movie “Silver Linings Playbook”.
“It hurts to look at the clouds, but it also helps, like most things that cause pain.”
― Matthew Quick, The Silver Linings Playbook
Some Storytelling Humor
So the Zen master steps up to the hot dog cart and says: “Make me one with everything.”
The hot dog vendor fixes a hot dog and hands it to the Zen master, who pays with a $20 bill.
The hot dog vendor puts the bill in the cash drawer and closes the drawer.
“Where’s my change?” asks the Zen master.
The hot dog vendor responds: “Change must come from within.”
12 Steps…
12 Steps for Spiritual Growth:
1. I will admit that I am powerless over my hang-up and that my life is unmanageable.
2. I will acknowledge that God is greater than I and that he can bring restoration to my life.
3. I will turn my life over to God.
4. I will make a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself.
5. I will admit to God, myself, and another human being the exact nature of my wrongs.
6. I will make myself entirely ready to have God remove any defects from my character and bring about the necessary changes in my life.
7. I will humbly ask God to remove my shortcomings.
8. I will make a list of the people I have harmed by my past behavior and become willing to make amends.
9. Wherever it is possible, I will make direct amends to the people my behavior has harmed.
10. I will continue to take personal inventory o my life on a regular basis and promptly admit when I do something wrong or lapse back into old behavior patterns.
11. I will seek to know more of God.
12. I will seek to carry to others the glorious message of teh possibility of a spiritual awakening.
(pulled from “12 Steps for Life-Changing Power: Dump Your Hang-Ups Without Dumping Them On Others” by Robert A Schuller)
These 12 steps were created by Dr. Schuller’s son. He continues to build people’s lives in his own way.
I have been to a good amount of 12 step meetings. Aside from 12 step plan that these meetings offer, I am continually inspired by the stories that I hear from people who have surmounted seemingly overwhelming odds just so they could tell their story and save someone’s life and in the process manifest more spirituality.
That’s the message behind this post…
Be Empowering!!
Keep looking for the stories that will help you reach your destination.
Answer the question, “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?”
Once you have answered that question for yourself, go find people that have gone through similar situations and read their stories, listen to their struggles, and absorb the attitudes that encouraged them to succeed.
Next, create your own story by taking massive action towards achieving it.
Finally, show your appreciation for having accomplished your goals by telling other people in a similar struggle.
D Arlando Fortune
Keep it as simple as A, B, C’s; 1, 2, 3’s; and, do, re, mi’s
PS. Take action on “Be Empowered” section ASAP! Better yet take MASSIVE action immediately toward the life that you want for you and your family. Take these 12 steps with you on your journey towards more spirituality. And, refer to them when you have doubts creeping up from your spirit.
PSS. I am committed to continue bringing useful content. Don’t wait to hear the good news. Follow me and spread the word, family!
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