“Organized Planning cont” – Master Mind call 008

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This call we discuss failure and self analysis as it relates to Organized Planning. I believe you will have some light shone on an area of your life that could use a bit of cleaning up. Listen closely and find that area. But, also get into your text and start giving yourself the annual self analysis that the author recommends ( or use one of your own ).

Enough intro. Here are some of the highlights of the call:

03:34 Percentage of people who are failing in life
07:44 The importance of getting to know yourself
09:09 The results of learning to love yourself
09:38 Paul J Meyer’s final lesson at his deathbed
10:55 Ratio of causes of failure to principles of success
12:15 Why success is easier than you think
12:42 The only cause of failure that cannot be corrected
14:25 A good reason for 98 percent of failure
16:04 The author’s definition of education
17:35 What will happen if you do not conquer self
22:31 One way to make failure give up
24:20 The twin of procrastination
26:50 The ignorance of superstition
29:25 Enthusiasm is…
31:18 This is more dangerous than poverty
36:08 How often to complete a self analysis
39:38 What capitalism affords the country
45:19 The profits of laziness

[tweetthis display_mode=”box”]People knock on the door of opportunity and get upset when hard work answers.[/tweetthis]


I get into an emotional topic here at the end. It’s difficult for me to keep my emotions out of these calls. I really want to give as much value as I can during them. That may mean that the topic touches a sensitive area and I let it all out. That’s what happens when I spoke about getting something for nothing mentality of some people.

This chapter was full of questions and analysis of what it will take to become successful offering personal services. Organized planning requires us to know how to put together a group of people and direct their efforts toward a common goal following a plan that was a cooperative creation.

The 30 causes of failure and the 13 principles of success are the two sides of our journey: we need to know what pitfalls there are and how to maneuver through them. Interesting how many more causes of failure there are compared to principles of success, isn’t it?
Enjoy the call.


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Dwight Fortune

email – dwight@darlandofortune.com
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