Self Education or No Education
If you have graduated from college or high school or not, it doesn’t matter as much to your success in life as your education. That sounded weird, didn’t it? If I’m talking about how my education doesn’t matter then how could I also be talking about how education matters in my success. Let me explain…
One point that you should take from this is that there are three forms of education:
- Formal education – you receive from colleges and grade schools
- Experiential education – you receive from hands-on training or real life situations
- Self education – this is the studying after the other two are done this is about developing myself not for a degree but to become a pedigree, a breed all of your own
Another point is that you can be successful without the formal education. Here is a list of 50 that prove my point. ( Get your copy of Why “A” Students Work for “C” Students here )
All of three educations are important. However, the more you focus on your self education the more that you will understand what success and hapiness are. You must learn you and you must learn how to become the best you that you can be.
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Talk to you soon,
Dwight Fortune
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